Ermias Semaie, DDS
Dr. Ermias Semaie, DDS, is a general dentist practicing in Maryland. His mission is to educate patients about oral health and provide comprehensive dental care to children and adults living in the DMV area.
Dr. Semaie is dedicated in providing compassionate, high-quality dental care in a comfortable and relaxing environment. Along with his team, Dr. Semaie makes every patient feel welcome and at ease, offering personalized dental treatment with a gentle touch. His goal is to create lasting professional relationships with his patients and ensure their smiles are healthy, happy, and confident.
Dr. Semaie received his Bachelor’s of Science from the University of Maryland, Baltimore. He furthered his education and received his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from West Virginia University. Dr. Semaie is a member of the American Dental Association, the Maryland State Dental Association, the Southern Maryland Dental Association, and the Academy of General Dentistry.
Dr. Semaie always looks to broaden his knowledge and dental skills by taking continuing education courses on advanced dental topics and procedures. Besides working as a dentist, Dr. Semaie enjoys spending quality time with his family and friends. He attends church on Sundays. He also enjoys playing soccer, basketball, and tennis, in his spare time.